Cleaning & Housekeeping Jobs in West University Place, Texas
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2 West University Place Housekeeper Jobs Found
Premium Listing
Lauren M
Active today
Experienced Housekeeper Needed in West University Place, Texas - $20/hr, 2-3 days per week.
9-5 Monday, Wednesday and Friday OR Monday and Thursday or Monday and Friday, WEEKLY. Routine housekeeping including floors, bathrooms, changing bed linens, laundry, ironing.
reliable transportation to run errands
able to lift 20 to 30 lb when needed
good with dogs
English speaking
pass background check. US citizen
Jenny B
West University Place, Texas
Active over a week ago
Hiring Housekeeper in West University Place, TX - $30/hr - Flexible Hours!
Hello! My name is Jenny and I am a homeowner in West University Place, Texas. I am looking for a dependable housekeeper to take care of my h...
Hello! My name is Jenny and I am a homeowner in West University Place, Texas. I am looking for a dependable housekeeper to take care of my home. I am offering $30.00 per hour.
Your responsibilities will include cleaning the bathroom, kitchen, general rooms and dishes. You will also be required to clean the fridge on a regular basis.
If you are interested in this job, please...
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