Cleaning & Housekeeping Jobs in Tukwila, Washington
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2 Tukwila Housekeeper Jobs Found
Steve N
Tukwila, Washington
Active over a week ago
Help me Clean Please!
What We're Looking For:
I hope you are having a good day. I'm looking to employ a housekeeping service provider living in Indianapolis, Indi...
What We're Looking For:
I hope you are having a good day. I'm looking to employ a housekeeping service provider living in Indianapolis, Indiana. I hope to find a professional employee with bi weekly availability.
Services And Training:
Our home would benefit from room clean up, bathroom cleaning, and oven scrubbing. It is an asset if you own all necessay supplies. Our top cand...
Moe E
Tukwila, Washington
Active over a week ago
Hiring house keeper for Airbnb business
I hope you are having a good day. I'm searching for a cleaner working in Tukwila, Washington. My goal is to hire a skilled, honest...
I hope you are having a good day. I'm searching for a cleaner working in Tukwila, Washington. My goal is to hire a skilled, honest candidate who has date night availability.
My home needs bathroom, kitchen, general rooms, fridge cleaning. It is preferable if you have personal transportation available. Our perfect applicant would have at least a year of experi...
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