Cleaning & Housekeeping Jobs in Tonawanda, New York
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4 Tonawanda Housekeeper Jobs Found
Andy M
Tonawanda, New York
Active over a week ago
Tonawanda Housekeeper Opportunity
Looking for someone for this Saturday June 8th—I hope you are having a good day. I am looking for present house care in Tonawanda. Please le...
Looking for someone for this Saturday June 8th—I hope you are having a good day. I am looking for present house care in Tonawanda. Please let me know if you are interested.
maria f
Tonawanda, New York
Active over a week ago
Disciplined Domestic Helper Needed in Tonawanda
Part time job for our parents who lives in Tonawanda. They are 80 years old. Services needed are cleaning, groceries, running errands like...
Part time job for our parents who lives in Tonawanda. They are 80 years old. Services needed are cleaning, groceries, running errands like dropping laundry / prescription pick up, etc for twice a week (Monday & Thursday or Tuesday & Friday, you get the idea).
Work for 4hr / day, anytime between 10am - 3pm.
Stephanie D
Tonawanda, New York
Active over a week ago
No experience needed
Wanted: Tonawanda Housecleaner
Looking for a responsibile person to help me out one or two times a week for a couple hours doing housekeeping chores and a possibly a few e...
Looking for a responsibile person to help me out one or two times a week for a couple hours doing housekeeping chores and a possibly a few errands
Stephanie D
Tonawanda, New York
Active over a week ago
Interviewing Tonawanda Service Provider
Hey my name is Stephanie. I'm looking for someone for 2-4 hours a week (2x a week for 2 hours ideally) to do light housekeeping and perhaps...
Hey my name is Stephanie. I'm looking for someone for 2-4 hours a week (2x a week for 2 hours ideally) to do light housekeeping and perhaps an errand here or there
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