Cleaning & Housekeeping Jobs in Sellersville, Pennsylvania
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2 Sellersville Housekeeper Jobs Found
Katherine I
Sellersville, Pennsylvania
Active over a week ago
Now Hiring Experienced Housekeeper in Sellersville, PA Competitive Pay at $35/hr Apply Today!
Are you passionate about keeping homes clean and organized? I'm hiring a housekeeper for my home in Sellersville, Pennsylvania. As a busy ho...
Are you passionate about keeping homes clean and organized? I'm hiring a housekeeper for my home in Sellersville, Pennsylvania. As a busy homeowner, I need someone who can help with general room cleaning, bathroom maintenance, oven cleaning, and window washing. The ideal candidate will be detail-oriented and thorough in their work, ensuring that every nook and cranny is sparkli...
Cindy Y
Sellersville, Pennsylvania
Active over a week ago
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Move out house cleaning
Hi, I'm Cindy Yun who called earlier this morning.
My home address is 206 Hampshire Dr. Sellersville, PA 18960
Most importantly, can you...
Hi, I'm Cindy Yun who called earlier this morning.
My home address is 206 Hampshire Dr. Sellersville, PA 18960
Most importantly, can you do it sometime from 13th to 15th of August?
I'm moving out on 13th so will be out of the house before 1 or 2.
If so,
What I want is
1. Kitchen including the inside of refrigerator.
2. 2 1/2 bathrooms
3. 3 bedroom carpet ste...
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