Cleaning & Housekeeping Jobs in Marion, Arkansas
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2 Marion Housekeeper Jobs Found
Shaika A
Marion, Arkansas
Active over a week ago
Job Posting: a Careful Caretaker in Marion, Arkansas
Hey my name is Shaika. I am hoping to hire a home cleaner available in Marion, Arkansas. I plan to chat with a dedicated indivi...
Hey my name is Shaika. I am hoping to hire a home cleaner available in Marion, Arkansas. I plan to chat with a dedicated individual with part-time availability.
Services And Training:
My home requires surface polishing, bathroom cleaning, and window washing. It is preferable if you own all necessary equipment. The top house cleaner would have previous experience a...
Courtney G
Marion, Arkansas
Active over a week ago
Busy couple with a cute dog! Needing some house cleaning services!
Hey my name is Courtney. I am hiring a housekeeping service provider living in Marion, Arkansas. I plan to hire a well Trained, af...
Hey my name is Courtney. I am hiring a housekeeping service provider living in Marion, Arkansas. I plan to hire a well Trained, affordable candidate with occasional availability.
Services And Training:
We are looking for someone to clean bi-weekly at our home. The rooms we are needing cleaned are our kitchen, living room, 2 bathrooms and our bedroom (we have two spar...
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