Cleaning & Housekeeping Jobs in Madeira Beach, Florida
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4 Madeira Beach Housekeeper Jobs Found
Brandon M
Madeira Beach, Florida
Active over a week ago
Bi-Monthly Cleaning Of Beach Cottage Duplex Apartment
Travel or work a lot and not as much time to keep place clean/tidy. Easy gig 1 BR/BA/500 sq ft apartment on intercoastal. Clean kitchen, bat...
Travel or work a lot and not as much time to keep place clean/tidy. Easy gig 1 BR/BA/500 sq ft apartment on intercoastal. Clean kitchen, bathroom, floors, furniture. Do clothes laundry and bed sheets. Should be 1-2 hour clean.
Madeira Beach, Florida
Active over a week ago
No experience needed
Polite Home Cleaning Provider Needed Immediately
Hi there my name is PATRICIA. I am looking for well trained house cleaning in Madeira Beach. Hope to talk to you soon if you are interested.
Hi there my name is PATRICIA. I am looking for well trained house cleaning in Madeira Beach. Hope to talk to you soon if you are interested.
Darbi H
Madeira Beach, Florida
Active over a week ago
Madeira Beach House cleaning Opportunity
Nice to meet you! My name is Darbi. I am searching for a house cleaner working in Madeira Beach, Florida. I need a professional, a...
Nice to meet you! My name is Darbi. I am searching for a house cleaner working in Madeira Beach, Florida. I need a professional, accountable person
Service Requirements:
Our home requires help with surface polishing, bathroom cleaning, and refrigerator cleaning. It is an asset if you have personal transportation available. The top candidate would have at least a yea...
Sami B
Madeira Beach, Florida
Active over a week ago
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I need a dependable, honest person to help clean two very small condos in Madeira Beach, FL. 1 bdrm 1/2 bath
We own two small condos that we need a wonderful, loyal, and meticulous cleaner to take charge and clean our units after a guests leaves. Th...
We own two small condos that we need a wonderful, loyal, and meticulous cleaner to take charge and clean our units after a guests leaves. This could be twice a week or once a month. They are very small units with one bedroom. 1/2 a bath, and a small kitchen, dining/tv room. It take be 2 - 2.5 hours to clean from ceiling to floor. I need someone who can determine what needs repa...
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