Cleaning & Housekeeping Jobs in Corte Madera, California

Over 1 million people use for their cleaning needs
Housekeeper cleaning kitchen cabinets
Housekeeper cleaning kitchen cabinets

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3 Corte Madera Housekeeper Jobs Found

John R

Corte Madera, California
Active over a week ago
Opportunity: Corte Madera House Keeper Needed for daytime cleaning and home services.
Description: Hey my name is John. I am hoping to hire housekeeping available in Corte Madera, California. My goal is to connect with a carin...
Description: Hey my name is John. I am hoping to hire housekeeping available in Corte Madera, California. My goal is to connect with a caring, talented person with monthly availability approx. 2-3 times per month. Rates negotiable. Details: My home is in need of kitchen cleaning, bathroom cleaning, dusting and floors. . It is an asset if you are flexible, open minded and tru...

Trevor B

Corte Madera, California
Active over a week ago
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No experience needed
Job Opportunity: a Reliable Home Cleaning Provider
Overview: I hope you are having a good day. I'm interviewing a home cleaner living in Corte Madera, California. My goal is to connect with a...
Overview: I hope you are having a good day. I'm interviewing a home cleaner living in Corte Madera, California. My goal is to connect with a professional, energetic employee who has bi weekly availability. Duties: My family requires help with kitchen cleaning, dishes, and wall washing. It is an asset if you have personal transportation available. The top employee would have at...

Catherine F

Corte Madera, California
Active over a week ago
Contact for rates
trying to contact Oya Gokbas for sewing furniture slip covers. Additional duvet cover also requested. Need someone with experience in sewing...
trying to contact Oya Gokbas for sewing furniture slip covers. Additional duvet cover also requested. Need someone with experience in sewing and furniture covers.

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