Cleaning & Housekeeping Jobs in Caldwell, Idaho
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15 Caldwell Housekeeper Jobs Found
Mark A
Caldwell, Idaho
Active over a week ago
Seeking Housekeeper in Caldwell, Idaho $10/hr Flexible Hours
Looking for a reliable and experienced housekeeper in Caldwell, Idaho. Must be proficient in cleaning bathrooms, general rooms, and kitchen...
Looking for a reliable and experienced housekeeper in Caldwell, Idaho. Must be proficient in cleaning bathrooms, general rooms, and kitchen areas, including fridge cleaning. The job pays $10.0 hourly and requires a commitment to maintaining a clean and organized home. If you are interested, please message me for further details.
The ideal candidate should be detail-oriented an...
Caldwell, Idaho
Active over a week ago
Hire Experienced Housekeeper in Caldwell, ID - $25.0/HR!
STRA, a home owner in Caldwell, Idaho, is currently looking for a housekeeper to tend to their residence. The ideal candidate will be respon...
STRA, a home owner in Caldwell, Idaho, is currently looking for a housekeeper to tend to their residence. The ideal candidate will be responsible for window washing, as well as other duties. STRA is willing to offer $25.0 HOURLY for the position.
If you are a reliable and experienced housekeeper and have a passion for window washing, STRA invites you to message them. They are...
Leon L
Caldwell, Idaho
Active over a week ago
Opportunity for Caldwell Maidservant
Job Posting:
Hi there I am hiring a home cleaner available in Caldwell, Idaho. I'm aiming to find a well Trained, exceptional individual who...
Job Posting:
Hi there I am hiring a home cleaner available in Caldwell, Idaho. I'm aiming to find a well Trained, exceptional individual who has semi-regular availability.
Services And Training:
My home would benefit from bathroom cleaning, kitchen cleaning. It is preferable if you are willing to travel. The ideal applicant would have cleaned houses before but it isn't necessa...
Mark T
Caldwell, Idaho
Active over a week ago
Dishes Cleaning Needed ASAP!
Hi there my name is Mark. I am interested in finding dishes cleaning and other house cleaning services for my home. Please let me know if yo...
Hi there my name is Mark. I am interested in finding dishes cleaning and other house cleaning services for my home. Please let me know if you are interested.
Karen L
Caldwell, Idaho
Active over a week ago
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Bi Weekly Housekeeper needed, South Lake Lowell area
I am looking for a bi-weekly housekeeper. Bathrooms, dusting, general cleaning. We are south east of Lake Lowell.
I am looking for a bi-weekly housekeeper. Bathrooms, dusting, general cleaning. We are south east of Lake Lowell.
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Teresa C
Caldwell, Idaho
Active over a week ago
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Hardworking Home Cleaner Wanted Immediately
Hi there my name is Teresa. I'm hiring a house cleaner available in Caldwell, Idaho. My goal is to connect with a hardworking, acc...
Hi there my name is Teresa. I'm hiring a house cleaner available in Caldwell, Idaho. My goal is to connect with a hardworking, accountable candidate who has monthly availability.
Our home requires help with kitchen cleaning, dishes, and garbage and recycling. It is preferable if you own all necessary supplies. Our best-possible maid would have some relevant...
Holly D
Caldwell, Idaho
Active over a week ago
House Keeper Wanted in Caldwell to replace me as their cleaner.
Job Posting:
Hey my name is Holly. I'm searching for a house keeper available in Caldwell, Idaho. I'm no longer cleaning houses and need to...
Job Posting:
Hey my name is Holly. I'm searching for a house keeper available in Caldwell, Idaho. I'm no longer cleaning houses and need to find a replacement for this client.
This job is for a trailer out in the country for a single man with a possible soon-to-be roommate. He also likes to have help cleaning his truck cab he uses for work. Bedding changing, kitchen,...
Monet L
Caldwell, Idaho
Active over a week ago
Kitchen and General Room Cleaning Wanted in Caldwell
What We're Looking For:
Hello my name is Monet. I am seeking a maid available in Caldwell, Idaho. I plan to connect with a trustworthy emplo...
What We're Looking For:
Hello my name is Monet. I am seeking a maid available in Caldwell, Idaho. I plan to connect with a trustworthy employee with biweekly availability.
Our family requires help with room clean up and dishes. It is preferable if you have personal transportation available. The ideal housekeeper would have some relevant experience but it isn't required...
Shane M
Caldwell, Idaho
Active over a week ago
Caldwell housekeeping position
About The Job:
Nice to meet you! My name is Shane. I am hoping to hire a house keeper available in Caldwell, Idaho. I'm aiming to chat with...
About The Job:
Nice to meet you! My name is Shane. I am hoping to hire a house keeper available in Caldwell, Idaho. I'm aiming to chat with a knowledgeable, polite person with semi-regular availability.
Service Requirements:
My family needs room clean up, dishes, and carpet shampooing. It is preferable if you have personal transportation available. Our perfect maid would have...
Conchi U
Caldwell, Idaho
Active over a week ago
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Housekeeper needed
Nice to meet you! My name is Conchi. I am interested in finding kitchen cleaning and other house cleaning services
Nice to meet you! My name is Conchi. I am interested in finding kitchen cleaning and other house cleaning services
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