Cleaning & Housekeeping Jobs in Beeville, Texas
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4 Beeville Housekeeper Jobs Found
David G
Beeville, Texas
Active over a week ago
Beeville Chambermaid Job
Nice to meet you! My name is David. I am interested in finding dishes cleaning and other house cleaning services for my home. I look forward...
Nice to meet you! My name is David. I am interested in finding dishes cleaning and other house cleaning services for my home. I look forward to speaking with you!
Tabatha P
Beeville, Texas
Active over a week ago
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2 years exp.
Interested in dependable housekeeper in Beeville
I would like to find someone dependable to upkeep my home while I work. I need all flooring mopped , furniture dusted , bathrooms cleaned ,...
I would like to find someone dependable to upkeep my home while I work. I need all flooring mopped , furniture dusted , bathrooms cleaned , bedding washed and changed , wooden blinds dusted , appliances wiped down in the kitchen and laundry room , wood cabinets in kitchen wiped down . Responsible enough to know when things need to be taken care of. I am interested in probably a...
Janeen A
Beeville, Texas
Active over a week ago
General Room Cleaning Needed ASAP!
We are thinking of renting out a Canyon Lake, TX cottage as a vacation rental. I see that you list vacation rentals as one of the cleaning p...
We are thinking of renting out a Canyon Lake, TX cottage as a vacation rental. I see that you list vacation rentals as one of the cleaning project you regularly do. How would this work, in terms, of scheduling & notifying you of when the cottage needed to be cleaned before the next guest arrival?
Joann C
Beeville, Texas
Active over a week ago
2 years exp.
Looking For Someone Honest And On Time
im looking for someone to help clean my house (cleaning includes the kitchen,living and do laundry)washing dishes cleaning counters sweeping...
im looking for someone to help clean my house (cleaning includes the kitchen,living and do laundry)washing dishes cleaning counters sweeping and mopping,the livingroom -sweeping and mopping and dusting ,and doing the laundry-wash,dry and put up clothes
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